Restorative dentistry

Restorative dental care at Stannard, Studt and Tironi dentistry allows patients to achieve beautiful and functional results that look and feel completely natural. With today’s advances in dental techniques and materials as well as our doctors advanced training- RESTORATIVE dentistry is also COSMETIC in nature.

CEREC allows our patients convenience and efficiency  with all ceramic crown procedures.  By utilizing digital and CAD/CAM technology, CEREC allows our doctors to digitally photograph, design and create beautiful ceramic crowns in office.  This allows for single visit crown procedures making the need to make 2 appointments for every crown a thing of the past.

Ceramic inlay/onlay restorations are durable, esthetic ceramic restorations which are more conservative than full coverage crowns. These are generally completed when healthy tooth structure remains so the tooth does not need to be prepared for a crown, but needs more strength than a filling. In addition to conserving healthy tooth, these restorations can strengthen the tooth and add stability by being adhesively bonded into a tooth like a “puzzle piece”.

Composite restorations or tooth colored fillings are a conservative treatment option to help restore or reshape misaligned, fractured, decayed or worn teeth. Composite restorations involve the direct application of composite resin and are able to be used on front or back teeth. It is generally best suited for smaller, more minor restorative procedures while helping to create a more attractive smile.

cosmetic dentistry

Your smile is often one of the first things people notice about you and is absolutely the universal sign for happiness! The importance of keeping your smile healthy AND beautiful cannot be understated. Studies have shown that a beautiful smile makes you more attractive to others, helps you look and feel younger and can even help you appear more intelligent.

Porcelain Veneers are often an integral part of the smile makeover process and many forms of cosmetic dentistry. Their ability to transform your smile while allowing for beautiful, conservative results, makes them stand out as one of the best options for smile enhancements or makeovers. Porcelain veneers are often the treatment of choice to correct the following issues and much more!

There are several products that are available to help you achieve a brighter smile and with so many options at your disposal, it is often hard to decide what is best for you. If you are interested in brightening your smile or concerned with the color or appearance of your teeth, teeth whitening may be a great option for you!

Dental bonding or tooth colored fillings are a conservative treatment option to help restore or reshape misaligned, fractured, decayed or worn teeth. Dental bonding involves the direct application of composite resin and is able to be used on front or back teeth. It is generally best suited for smaller, more minor restorative procedures while helping to create a more attractive smile. Tooth colored fillings are also a more conservative and modern alternative to traditional metal fillings.

dental implants

Dental implants are fixtures which look, feel and function like your natural teeth! They are generally used in situations where there are one or more missing teeth, and can even be used to support a full arch of missing teeth.

Dental implants are made up of 3 components:

  • Titanium Implant: This portion of the implant acts as a root would for your natural tooth. It is placed into the jaw bone and is the foundation for the other components of the implant restoration. It is generally made of Titanium, which is extremely harmonious with the jaw bone and soft tissues in your mouth. This allows the bone to form around it and accept it as if it were a natural tooth.

  • Abutment: This is the interface or connection component between the titanium root and the dental crown or restoration. This piece can be made of several different materials which best match the final restoration.

  • Restoration: This restoration is often a crown which looks exactly like your natural tooth. It is usually made of the same material as ceramic crowns we place on top of natural teeth. Other types of restorations for implants could be dental bridges, dentures or full arch restorations.

invisalign & braces

Invisalign is an easy, unobtrusive option for straightening your teeth, especially for adults who want to avoid the appearance of traditional metal braces or teens who want to continue their active lifestyles uninhibited while receiving Invisalign treatment.

Some benefits of using Invisalign include:

  • Flexibility: We know that one of the hardest things to get used to with traditional braces is the food restrictions. Because Invisalign aligners are removed at mealtimes, you’ll still be able to eat just about everything you normally would, as long as you remember to be vigilant about brushing and flossing afterwards. You’ll never have to sacrifice your favorite dish for a straighter smile with Invisalign treatment!

  • Effectiveness: Provided you wear your Invisalign aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours daily, treatment with this system can be just as effective as traditional metal braces. Invisalign can effectively treat most mild to moderate cases of underbite, overbite, overcrowding and gaps between teeth - all very common dental issues.


Your dental exam is an opportunity for our team to closely evaluate your oral health, and talk to you about any changes or discomfort you may be experiencing. By scheduling your preventative dental visits every six months, your doctor can often identify dental disease, such as cavities, cracked teeth, and periodontal (gum) disease, in the earliest stages when treatment can be minimal and less costly.

Because we are interested in your total health, our comprehensive exams might include:

  • Tooth-by-tooth exam

  • Complimentary blood pressure screening

  • Comprehensive medical history review

  • Oral cancer screening

  • Comprehensive dental records

  • Periodontal evaluation

  • Cosmetic dental consultation

  • Treatment consultation, if needed

Once your dental exam is complete, your doctor will discuss his findings and share the treatment options available. The information they share helps our patients make the most informed choices, and we reserve ample time to answer any questions you may have.


Sleep apnea is a condition that causes your breathing to stop while you sleep—often dozens or even hundreds of times per night. When your body stops receiving oxygen, it signals your brain to wake up and resume breathing. You may have no memory of these nighttime interruptions, but they cause health complications that you should not ignore.

Sleep apnea is caused by excessive tissue at the back of the throat, excess body weight, a thick neck, and alcohol and drug use, as well as age. Men over the age of 40 are the most common sufferers of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Unless someone tells you that you snore or stop breathing while you sleep, you may not even realize it.

Until recently, the only treatment available to treat OSA was a breathing mask worn at night. A CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) machine is still the standard for many who suffer from OSA, but for others who do not tolerate the CPAP well or who have mild to moderate OSA, we offer oral appliance therapy.


There are several products that are available to help you achieve a brighter smile and with so many options at your disposal, it is often hard to decide what is best for you. If you are interested in brightening your smile or concerned with the color or appearance of your teeth, teeth whitening may be a great option for you! A consultation appointment with one of our doctors will help you decide on cosmetic options including the type of whitening that is best for your specific situation.

At Home Whitening
Our Dental office offers a custom at-home tray whitening system which is able to whiten your teeth in as little as 1-2 weeks. The process generally takes 30 minutes-1 hour per day and is designed for patients with mild to moderate tooth discoloration or staining. This is still a better option than over-the-counter options that are available. 

In-Office/At Home Whitening
Moderate to heavy staining on teeth often warrant consideration for other cosmetic options including smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, or dental bonding.  Sometimes, however, a combination of in-office and at-home whitening treatments are a great solution.  Our office proudly features the GLO (guided light optics) whitening system which is able to drastically increase the brightness of your smile with virtually no side effects such as tooth sensitivity.